Fischer Home Prior to Demolition, 1960

Read the story behind my haunt…

Cottonwood Corner Terror House

Note that this is a work of fiction.  Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this story are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Cottonwood Corner Terror House has been uninhabited since 1976.  Many tales have been told about the condemned home ranging from murder, to missing persons to witch activity and haunts. Now called the Cottonwood Corner Terror House by locals, the property currently sits vacant from any living entity.

Fischer Family Home

Cottonwood Corner Terror House was built on the site of the former Fischer home. Charles D. Fischer, a distinguished businessman financed construction of the Fischer home in 1870 where he lived with his wife, Sarah H. Davis-Fischer and their 2 children, Henry Timothy and Edna Rose.

An Unspeakable Crime
Abraham Fender Jr., circa. 1870

Although there is minimal documentation of what actually occurred, Mr. Fischer and both children were murdered by one of the most dangerous and violent serial killers of the time on October 17, 1876. Abraham Fender, Jr., a member of the infamous Freaky Fender Family made his way to the area after fleeing Southeast Kansas where he, his father, mother & sister ran a small inn and general store where they murdered 11 patrons using a mallet and a knife. Mr. Fender was also identified as the Fischer’s killer, but it is uncertain what his fate was following this horrific event. Many speculate where he fled to as there is no documentation indicating he was ever apprehended.


With no remaining family members Mrs. Fischer erected “Cottonwood Corner Cemetery” behind the property where her husband and 2 children’s bodies were placed.  The cemetery remains today. 

Cottonwood Corner Cemetery
Cottonwood Corner Cemetery
Wife to Witch

While Mrs. Fischer survived physically her mental stability rapidly declined following these traumatizing events.  She soon became reclusive and refused to accept visitors. 

Rumors began to circulate in the small community that she was practicing witchcraft in an attempt to resurrect her family. 

Mrs. Fischer had been deceased for 3 weeks before her body was found in the home a year after her family’s death.  Her cause of death was unknown.  Spell books and potions along with signs of bizarre activity were found both in the home and adjoining cemetery.

The cemetery appeared as if someone tried to unbury the bodies of her family.  It was apparent to those present at the scene that some sort of rituals were being performed.

With no surviving family members to take over upkeep of the Fischer home it reached a dilapidated state and was torn down in 1961.

Fischer Home Prior to Demolition, 1960
Fischer Home Prior to Demolition, 1960

A New Home on Cottonwood Corner

A new home was constructed in 1972 by a young man named Dr. William C. Perry, a veterinarian. He resided in the home with no family.

Newly Constructed Home, 1972
Bizarre Activity
1975 Cottonwood Corner Cemetery Photo Captured by Neighbor

Dr. Perry quickly discovered the brand-new home had many unnatural occurrences. Police responded to numerous calls to the residence between 1972 and 1976. Dr. Perry reported hearing an intruder on several occasions and numerous strange noises including screams coming from within the house. There were also reports of strange occurrences from neighbors.

This mysterious and distorted photo was taken in Cottonwood Corner Cemetery by a neighbor of Dr. Perry. Could this be an apparition of Sara Davis-Fischer?

Blood Bath

In October of 1976, Dr. Perry was reported missing when the mail carrier noticed his mail beginning to pile up. When police entered the home in an attempt to locate him, they found that the kitchen had been used to butcher at least 3 individuals. Body parts were located in the kitchen and throughout the house. One body, still intact was found in the bathtub and bones were found in the fireplace.

The entire condition of the home was so disturbing to police that once the investigation reached a dead end the home was condemned on October 17th of 1976.

Cottonwood Corner Terror House

Missing Party Guests

In recent years an annual “haunt party” was hosted by Miss Amy Fox, the property owner of Cottonwood Corner Terror House and October 20, 2018, was no exception. Guests dressed as pirates, gangster babies and gypsies filtered into the party. Photos from the gathering showed unsuspecting friends partying throughout the evening both inside the home and in the cemetery.   

At what point in the night the festivities went sour is unknown, but neighbors reported that the party was so loud they had to yell at the guests from across the street to be quiet. They were unaware of what horrors were actually taking place there.

Guests that were in attendance have minimal recollection of the events that occurred other than seeing multiple apparitions and the figure of a witch inside the cemetery. The only thing they did know for certain was that twelve guests were now missing including Miss Fox’s longtime boyfriend, Mr. Chris Hart. 

Lost and Found

Nearly a year following the disappearance of the Haunt Party guests, a world-renowned team of sleuths/television icons known as “Mystery Incorporated” were enlisted by the property owner to aid in the search for the still missing twelve.  Just days before the next annual haunt party, five of the missing individuals were located, held against their will in a long-forgotten delipidated structure located just east of the property.  Miss Velma Dinkley of “Mystery Incorporated” found Mr. Hart chained to a wall of the abandoned building.  It was no secret that Hart had an infatuation with the celebrity since puberty, but he never dreamed he’d have the opportunity to meet her!

Miss Velma Dinkley 2019
Another Murder

On October 26, 2019, Miss Fox again hosted the annual Cottonwood Corner Terror House Haunt Party despite the blame many placed on her for the events that occurred the year prior.  Before the evening could come to a close however, guests noticed their hostess was no longer in their presence.  Upon searching the home, her body was discovered under a sheet on her bed. Miss Fox’s death is not surprising as she had no small list of enemies. 

Crime Scene Photo:  Fox's Body Discovered Under Sheet
Crime Scene Photo: Fox’s Body Discovered Under Sheet
One Mystery Solved

The following year, on October 23, 2021, a group of murder suspects led by Detective Cindy Chills gathered at Terror House and teamed up to investigate Fox’s death in the hope of clearing their names.  During the course of the investigation the “Closet Ghost Chasers” team learned that when Miss Dinkley saved Mr. Hart using her extraordinary sleuthing skills, Hart became awestruck.  Miss Dinkley had never fallen for anyone associated with an investigation before, but Hart was different.  The moment she laid eyes on him she knew she had to have him.  In the days leading up to the 2019 party, they had been inseparable.  Miss Fox began to suspect Hart’s attention was focused elsewhere and on the night of her party she found Miss Dinkley had snuck into her home hoping to catch Hart alone. It was then that Dinkley withdrew a wrench and bludgeoned her competition.  She dragged Miss Fox’s body to the master bedroom and threw a sheet over her, hoping it appeared she’d had a few too many spirits while she quietly snuck back out of the house. 

With Fox out of the way, Dinkley had unsuspecting Mr. Hart exclusively to herself and wrapped around her finger. 

Dinkley and Hart February 2021

Following the investigation Detective Chills placed Dinkley under arrest.  She is currently awaiting trial in the Douglas County Jail while Mr. Hart lives a life of remorse and is heartbroken over Fox’s death.

Detective Hills with Dinkley
Detective Chills and Dinkley
A Heartbroken Mr. Hart
A Heartbroken Mr. Hart

A Century and a Half of Terror

Mrs. Fischer’s cause of death is still unknown to this day, as well as what grave acts she was performing prior to her death.

It is also still unknown whether Dr. Perry was the butcher or the butchered. The bodies found in the home were never identified and Dr. Perry has never been located leaving the case open as of this writing.

These century-and-a-half old mysteries combined with the more recent terrifying events make you wonder just how many more secrets this house holds.


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